“A brand that introduces various designs by combining traditional Korean elegance with global sophistication”

“한국전통의 품격미와 글로벌한 세련미를 접목시켜 다양한 디자인을 선보이는 브랜드”

About Isaiah Designer

Designer Isaiah, a master of hanbok, researches, designs and manufactures Korean traditional costumes, and at the same time
It has been developing, designing, manufacturing, and distributing western dresses on site for over 20 years.

한복명장 이사야 디자이너는 한국 전통 의상을 연구하고 디자인 및 제작을 하는 동시에
서양 드레스를 20년 넘게 현장에서 개발 디자인하고 제작하며 유통하고 있다.

Our Services

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What needs to be kept is worth informing

Preserving culture is very important, and Handresia goes out to the world with that value.